Pool FAQ & Troubleshooting


I can't find the Pool I was staking in!

You should be able to find the Pool under the "Finished" tab on the Pools page.

By selecting "Staked Only", it will make it easier to find your assets.

Why can’t I unstake my tokens from a Pool?

If you are unable to unstake from the Stake HOW, Earn HOW pools, please check to make sure that you haven’t sold the tokens in your wallet. This token acts as a `proof of ownership` over your HOW in the Manual HOW pool.

Why did my earned tokens go to zero after staking/unstaking?

Don’t worry! They’re in your wallet already.

Whenever you stake or unstake from a Pool or farm, your earned tokens get harvested and sent to your wallet at the same time.

General Questions

How is APR for Pools calculated?

Pool APR = Annualized rewards (USD) / User funds staked in Pool (USD) * 100

As a basic exHOW, let's take a 60-day pool with 300,000 USD worth of rewards, and 3,000,000 USD worth of HOW staked in it.

The APR fluctuates as more HOW is staked by users, and as the price of HOW, and the reward token, vary.

  Calculation Amount
Total rewards to distribute (USD value)   300,000 USD
Distribution period   60 days
Daily distribution 300,000 / 60 = 5,000 USD daily
Annualised rewards (USD value) 5,000 * 365 = 1,825,000 USD
Value of HOW staked by users in pool (USD value)   3,000,000 USD
APR (1,825,000 / 3,000,000) * 100 = 60.833% APR

What does the “End” number on my Pool refer to?

This shows the amount of blocks left until the rewards for that pool stop being distributed. Once the pool has reached that block, you should unstake your tokens, because you won’t be receiving any rewards after that.

Where do the rewards from Pools come from?

There are three main types of Pools.

  • Stake HOW, earn HOW
  • Stake HOW, earn other tokens.
  • Stake other tokens, earn HOW

The rewards for the "Stake HOW, earn HOW" Pools come from the HOW emissions. Each block, a number of HOW tokens are allocated as rewards for these pools.

The rewards for the "Stake HOW, earn other tokens" type are provided by the project teams who sponsor a Pool.

For the "Stake other tokens, earn HOW" type, the Howswap treasury buys back HOW from the market to distribute as rewards. These pools are funded by Howswap, not by the projects themselves.

What’s Pool Token?

Howswap’s Pool Token is deposited in your wallet when you interact with the Manual “Stake HOW, Earn HOW” Pool. It's not staked for

It’s basically an IOU that shows how much HOW you’ve staked in the pool.

It’ll be returned automatically when you unstake your HOW from that pool.

Don’t sell your POOL tokens! You need to return your POOL to unstake your HOW from the Manual HOW pool. The amount of POOL you return must be the same as the amount of HOW you unstake.