Business Partnerships

Yield Farms and Pools Partnerships

Yield Farms incentivize users to provide liquidity for your trading pair by distributing $HOW to your pair's LP Token holders.

Pools are a way of distributing your tokens to BSC users who stake HOW in the pool.

Apply for Farm and Pool

Listing on the Exchange

How can I list my token on the exchange?

Anybody can "list" any BEP20 token on Howswap. You don't need to contact us or ask permission. You just need to add liquidity to a liquidity pool - that's it. Traders can then trade your token by entering your token's contract address.

Which liquidity pool should I create?

You can create any pool you like, but we recommend creating an 'ALT - USDT' pool. ALT stands for your token.

How can I add my token's logo/icon?

If your token's icon does not be collected, please submit it to us.

Apply to collect logo

How can I add my token to the default list?

We have the evaluation standards for the project and will add projects that meet the requirements into the default list.

Apply to Default List

How can I take activities on the exchange?

Apply to take an activity