📑 Smart Contracts

This page provides links or locations for Howswap smart contracts.

Main Contracts - BNB Chain

The following links will take you to the BscScan page for Howswap main smart contracts.

Main contracts - Fantom Chain

The following links will take you to the Fantom page for Howswap main smart contracts.

Farms contracts

Each Farm used by Howswap has its own smart contract. Follow the steps below to view a Farm's smart contract.

1.Go to the Howswap Farms page and click the row of the Farm you want to see the contract for.

2.When the details section expands out, click the View Contract link on the left to open the contract in BscScan.

Pools contracts

Each Pool used by Howswap has its own smart contract. Follow the steps below to view a Farm's smart contract.

1.Go to the Howswap Pools page and click the row of the Pool you want to see the contract for.

2.When the details section expands out, click the View Contract link on the left to open the contract in BscScan.